The Riverside Company appoint new CFO for Alpha H
In late 2018 The Riverside Company (Riverside) gained exclusivity to acquire Alpha H, a global skincare business based on the Gold Coast with big plans. The business operates in multiple geographies worldwide and works with tier one partners such as Sephora.
Shortly after gaining exclusivity, Riverside engaged Allura Partners to conduct an executive search to secure a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for their pending investment.
The CFO search focused on identifying candidates with the required experience in building systems and reporting to enhance fact based decision making, ideally for a private equity backed investment.
As part of the search, Allura Partners engaged Annette Abrahams, a proven private equity CFO known within the Allura Partners network.
In 2011, she was appointed by private equity to Cura Day Hospitals Group to integrate 2 hospitals and form a platform for aggressive growth via acquisition. Over the proceeding years, Annette co-piloted the investment through two liquidity events, the first to Intermediate Capital Group (ICG) and more recently Fresenius Medical Care.
Annette was identified as a clear stand out in the process and was appointed to the role in April 2019. Post serving her notice Annette commenced as the CFO for Alpha H in August 2019.
We wish you the very best in the role Annette and have no doubt you will do a fantastic job, creating value at every turn.