Allura Partners turns 3
A few weeks ago, Allura Partners officially turned three. Since then and considering the current situation the world is facing, we have been debating on whether to post an announcement to celebrate this feat. As a firm, our thoughts go out to all people impacted by COVID-19 and we wish everyone the best of luck over the coming months and beyond.
We also hope that we all agree that we must stay positive during these times and celebrate wins, no matter how big or small.
So, we have decided to post our little celebration and keep focused on the positives and to say thank you to everyone that has contributed to our success to date!
Some of our highlights over the past 12 months, include welcoming 8 new team members to Allura Partners and in doing so, doubling our headcount.
Every person who has joined Allura Partners has positively influenced our culture and it is our culture that is currently shining bright as we all work from home and adapt to a new way of working – a massive thanks to all Allura Partners staff and congrats on turning three.
Even though we are unable to celebrate this milestone in person and as a group, we look forward to being able to celebrate in style soon! Below are some snaps of the team having fun and celebrating over the past 12 months.

In addition to thanking our staff, we would also like to thank our clients, candidates and suppliers in supporting us over the past three years. We look forward to our ongoing partnerships and support.
No doubt 2020 is going to be a tough year for all businesses, big and small and Allura Partners is no different. By posting our three-year anniversary, we put a stake in the ground and mark this moment, so in 12 months time when Allura Partners turns four, we can look back and reflect on what we achieved! Additionally, we can celebrate that milestone with no social distancing rules ruining the party!
For now, a virtual cheers to all!